24th April 2010 - Brake Pipes
Fitted the brake pipes today with no real problems. Slightly nervous about the task having read tales of kinked expensive-to-replace pipes, but they bent to shape quite easily with just thumb pressure. The most difficult was the short pipe from the master cylinder to the brake pressure switch t-piece, the most time-consuming the long pipe under the car. Still managing with the chassis the right way up and now can't see it being necessary to turn it over..... although we may yet come unstuck!Also fitted the loom attachment points (rivetted on hooks to tie cable ties to), except for the one
s at the back for which the pictures in the manual are rubbish and taken with the chassis upside down. I'll have another look at it next time as there aren't many places to run the cables.Couldn't resist jumping ahead slightly and trial fitting the front wishbones to make sure they fit (see picture). Proper fitting of these will be done by Matthew in the next session even though the following (in theory, preceeding) tasks are still to be done:Fit rear chassis loom mountings, fit loom (unpacked it to see what it looks like and quickly put it away again!), bend and fit rigid fuel pipes, fit aluminium panels to the sides of the car.
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